
Cosmic Shrapnel That Killed The Mammoth Is Buried Deep, Scientists Claim - ScienceAlert

Michelle Starr

For hundreds of thousands of years, the wooly mammoth thrived on Earth, measuring its stately tread across the frozen reaches. Then, something happened. Earth changed. And in a remarkably short time ...[Continue Reading]


3 months ago

Recent News (Science)


Marine debris removal benefits Hawaiian monk seals and ecosystems

University of Hawaii at Manoa

Endangered Hawaiian monk seals and other marine life have benefitted from 25 years of large-scale marine debris removal in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI), according to the cover story in th ...[Continue Reading]


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4 Tips For Building & Managing Your Dream Team

Sho Dewan, Contributor, Sho Dewan, Contributor

4 Tips For Building & Managing Your Dream Team getty It's true: teamwork does make the dream work. While we often recognize leaders like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Elon Musk for the companies t ...[Continue Reading]


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Hubble Space Telescope spies a spiral galaxy in a cosmic 'clock'

Samantha Mathewson

A dazzling new image from the Hubble Space Telescope captures a bright spiral galaxy on a diagonal tilt, resembling a pendulum swinging back and forth through space. The galaxy , called IC 1954, i ...[Continue Reading]

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Hands-On: Assigning Pods to Nodes Using Affinity Rules

Rafael Natali

This article describes how to configure your Pods to run in specific nodes based on affinity and anti-affinity rules. Affinity and anti-affinity allow you to inform the Kubernetes Scheduler whether t ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Scientists confirm there are 40 huge craters at the bottom of Lake Michigan (Sascha Pare)

Two years ago, sonar images revealed strange circles at the bottom of Lake Michigan that scientists couldn't explain. Now, a survey has determined the shapes are giant holes but there are many more ...[Continue Reading]

Live Science

1 day ago