
NASA will put a 'new star' in the sky by the end of the decade in 1st-of-its-kind mission -

Harry Baker

A first-of-its-kind NASA mission aims to put a new "star" in the sky by the end of the decade to help solve a wide range of the universe's biggest mysteries, scientists have announced. The Landolt ...[Continue Reading]

Live Science

10 days ago

Recent News (Science)


Have giant humans ever existed? -

Patrick Pester

Humans have shared stories about giants for thousands of years, from the cyclopes of Greek mythology to the biblical Goliath. But are these just tall tales, or have giant humans really walked this Ea ...[Continue Reading]

Live Science

1 day ago


Family whose home was hit by space debris seeks damages from NASA - The Washington Post

Rachel Pannett

A family is seeking compensation from NASA after a piece of metal trash from the International Space Station tore through the roof of their home in Naples, Fla. in March. No one was hurt, but a lega ...[Continue Reading]

The Washington Post

1 day ago


Century-Old Fossil Mystery Solved: Scientists Discover True Identity of Ancient Sea-Lizard - SciTechDaily


Researchers identified a prehistoric marine reptile found in 1935 as a thalattosaur, not a choristodere, using CT scans and a new specimen. Reconstruction of Pachystropheus rhaeticus, figured alongsi ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago


Is Jupiter's Great Red Spot an impostor? Giant storm may not be the original one discovered 350 years ago -

Stefanie Waldek

In 1665, Italian astronomer Giovanni Cassini observed a giant dark spot on Jupiter, which he called the "Permanent Spot." (English scientist Robert Hooke might've discovered it a year earlier, in 166 ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Cosmic Shrapnel That Killed The Mammoth Is Buried Deep, Scientists Claim - ScienceAlert

Michelle Starr

For hundreds of thousands of years, the wooly mammoth thrived on Earth, measuring its stately tread across the frozen reaches. Then, something happened. Earth changed. And in a remarkably short time ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago